The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) - Department of Environment and Natural Resources recently hosted the Mining Task Force (MTF) Meetings of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) during the Senior Officials Meeting 3 in Cebu City. The MTF Meetings consisted of the MTF Workshop, The Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) and the 9th MTF Meeting.
Mr. Rodrigo Urquiza of Chile is the current Chair of the MTF. He was unanimously re-elected by the members. MGB Assistant Director Elmer B. Billedo is the Co-Chair, the Philippines being the host economy.
The MTF workshop, initiated by the Australian Government, was conducted to bring together key stakeholders involved in the mining sector within the APEC economies. It aims to develop a stream of high quality, commercially relevant, and private sector involved, capacity building projects that would support the range of issues or reform measures that could help enhance business activities relating to the mining sector.
The Philippines signified its intention to collaborate with the proposed project that would address the artisanal and small-scale gold miners thru the development of mobile modular gold processing plants or modular plants for the treatment of wastes from small-scale gold mining operations.
This PPD was a follow-up to the first Mining PPD held in Beijing in 2014. It served as a venue for representatives from mining companies to share their perspectives on a range of issues identified in APEC Business Advisory Council's (ABAC) 2014 study on the Asia-Pacific mining sector.
Among the issues discussed were transparent and predictable fiscal/tax regimes, community development efforts, the importance of regulatory consistency, and effective investment policies. The discussion was designed to provide officials with suggestions on the types of capacity building projects that would help improve the business and investment environment on the mining sector.
The 9th MTF Meeting was a continuation of the discussions on the Asia-Pacific mining sector. With close to 75 percent of all global mining trade and investment being conducted within the APEC Region, mineral and metal industries are considered of great importance to the APEC Region.
Among the topics discussed were current developments in the Mining Task Force, key mining developments in the APEC economies, the status of the MTF (since it has a current life until end of 2016 only), 2015 Work Plan, 2014-2015 Strategic Plan, and ABAC report and recommendations.
The MTF was established in 2007 after the endorsement of the APEC Ministers. The MTF derives its mandate from priorities set by APEC Leaders and from the directions provided by Ministers Responsible for Mining. It is composed of policy officials and experts who work with experts in government and academia, private industry, and regional and international organizations.
MGB Regional Office No. VII assisted in the hosting of the MTF meetings.