Planning, Policy and International Affairs Division
The Planning, Policy and International Affairs Division (PPIAD) shall undertake planning, programming, and monitoring and evaluation of programs/projects/activities; initiate the formulation of policies; coordinate the development and implementation of programs/projects and formulation of policies; initiate, coordinate and maintain international cooperation and commitments; and coordinate the design and installation of and maintain the national and regional management information system.
Specific functions and services:
Planning and Monitoring Section
- Undertakes planning, programming and monitoring of implementation of central and regional programs/projects/activities; and
- Provides planning standards and guidelines.
Policy Studies and Project Development Section
- Initiates/coordinates the formulation of policies for the effective and efficient implementation of programs/projects/activities;
- Coordinates project development and evaluation project proposals for project identifications, prioritization and implementation; and
- Coordinates and maintains international cooperation and commitments on the development, management and conservation of the country's mineral resources, and the promotion and development of geosciences.
Information System Group
- Designs, installs and maintains the national and regional management information system in coordination with various units of the Central and Regional Offices.
Mineral Economics, Information And Publication Division
The Mineral Economics, Information And Publication Division (MEIPD) shall conduct policy studies on mineral economics and provide information on mining and geosciences.
Specific functions and services:
Mineral Economics Section
- Conduct policy studies relating to mineral economics (including production, demand and supply, prices and government share in mining) for planning, policy formulation and decision making purposes;
- Provides information on the contribution of mining to economy; and
- Undertakes final evaluation of the financial and economic components of proposed mining projects.
Mineral Statistics Section
- Evaluates mineral statistical reports; and
- Undertakes market forecasting.
Mineral Information and Publication Section
- Develop and implements a mining and geosciences communication plan;
- Publishes information materilas on mining and geosciences; and
- Maintains the Central Office Library and website.
Administrative Division
The Administrative Division (AD) shall undertake human resources, property and record management.
Specific functions and services:
Human Resources Management Section
- Implements plans and programs on human resource management (including human resource development, civil service rules and regulations); and
- Undertakes Research and Development on human resource management and other administrative concerns.
Cashiering Section
- Collects payments and receives funds;
- Disbursement funds; and
- Acts as temporary custodian of payments and funds.
Property Management Section
- Procures, distributes and store supplies, materials and equipment; and
- Acts as the overall custodian of government property.
General Services Section
- Undertakes the maintenance of buildings and other improvements, equipment, and furniture and fixtures; and
- Provides safety, security, housekeeping and transport services.
Records Management Section
- Receives and releases records/documents;
- Undertakes maintenance of records/documents; and
- Acts as the overall custodian of government records/documents.
Financial Management Division
The Financial Management Division (FMD) shall undertake financial analysis in support to planning, controlling and decision-making.
Specific functions and services:
Accounting Section
- Undertakes accounting procedures in the Central Office and provides accounting services;
- Implements accounting and auditing rules and regulations; and
- Reviews accounting policies and recommends measures for effective financial management.
Budget Section
- Undertakes budgeting procedures in the Central Office and provides budgeting services;
- Implements budgeting rules and regulations; and
- Reviews budgetary policies and recommends measures for effective financial management.
Financial Service Group
- Administer the internal operations of the Division;
- Monitors the implementation of financial controls of the Central Office and consults the results thereof;
- Provides/recommends financial insights to all segments of the Division to ensure that the day-to-day financial transactions are carried out in proper way; and
- Reviews and consolidates budget proposals, budget accountability reports and financial accounts of Regional Offices.
Mine Safety, Environment And Social Development Division
The Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division (MSESDD) shall conduct the final evaluation/review, audit of the implementation and Research and Development for the enhancement of programs on, promote best practices in and investigate incidents/complaints relating to mine safety and health, environmental management and social development.
Specific functions and services:
Mine Environmental Mangement Section
- Conducts final evaluation of environmental management programs; and
- Promotes best practices in environmental management.
Mine Environmental Audit Section
- Conducts audit of implementation of environmental management programs for exploration and progressive rehabilitation;
- Conducts Reasearch and Development on the enhancement of environmental management;
- Validates ancillary environmental programs; and
- Conducts investigations of special cases relating to environmental management.
Mine Rehabilitation Section
- Evaluates mine rehabilitation plans for abandoned mines;
- Conducts audit of implementation of environmental management programs for final mine rehabilitation;
- Promotes best practices on final mine rehabilitation;
- Conducts Research and Development on final mine rehabilitation; and
- Investigates incidents/complaints relating to abandoned mines.
Mine Safety and Health Section
- Reviews mine safety an health programs;
- Conducts audit of implementation of mine safety and health programs;
- Conducts Research and Development on the enhancement of mine safety and health;
- Promotes best practices in mine safety and health; and
- Investigates incidents/complaints relating to mine safety and health.
Social Development Section
- Reviews social development programs;
- Conducts audit of implementation of social development programs;
- Conducts Research and Development on the enhancement of social development programs;
- Promotes best practices in social development; and
- Investigates complaints relating to social development.
Mining Tenements Management Division
The Mining Tenements Management Division (MTMD) shall undertake final evaluation of all mining applications, conduct audit of the disposition of mineral lands and resources, and manage the Mineral Rights Management System.
Specific functions and services:
Mining Permit Evaluation Section
- Undertakes final evaluation and recommends approval or denial of mining permit applications;
- Undertakes final evaluation and recommends approval or denial of operating agreements/assignments involving mining permits and mining permit applications;
- Evaluates appeals/motions for reconsideration in connection with the cancellation of/denial of applications for mining permits and denial of area status and clearance; and
- Undertakes final evaluation and recommends approval or denial of Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility involving Exploration Permit.
Mining Contracts Evaluation Section
- Undertakes final evaluation and recommends approval or denial of mining contract applications;
- Undertakes final evaluation and recommends approval of denial of operating agreements/assignments involving mining contracts and mining contract applications;
- Evaluates appeals/motions for reconsideration in connection with the cancellation of/denial of applications for mining contracts and denial of area status and clearance; and
- Undertakes final evaluation and recommends approval or denial of Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility involving mining contracts.
Mineral Lands Survey Section
- Undertakes final evaluation of application for survey order and survey returns, and survey plans in areas within mineral reservations;
- Verifies mining tenement boundaries in connection with mining applications and in cases of conflicts/adverse claims/oppositions in areas within mineral reservation;
- Assists in the final evaluation of mining applications in relation to mining tenement boundaries;
- Manages the national mining tenement control map; and
- Reviews the deputation of Geodetic Engineers.
Mining Tenement Audit Section
- Undertakes audit of the disposition and utilization of mineral lands and resources; and
- Evaluates applications for renewal of the Exploration Period of mining contracts, and recommendations for cancellation of mining permits/contracts.
Mineral Rights Management System Section
- Maintains the National Mineral Rights Management System (MRMS); and
- Assists in the maintenance of Regional MRMS.
Marine Geological Survey Division
The Marine Geological Survey Division (MGSD) shall undertake marine geoscientific surveys (including coastal/offshore geohazard assessment, mineral exploration and geo-environmental study), and Research and Development on geosciences, and provide marine geoscientific services.
Specific functions and services:
Marine Mineral Exploration Section
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of marine mineral exploration of offshore areas;
- Conducts Research and Development on mineral deposits and exploration;
- Evaluates the marine geological component of proposed mining projects; and
- Provides marine mineral exploration services.
Coastal and Offshore Geological Survey Section
- Conducts offshore geological surveys (including geohazards assessment);
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of coastal geological surveys (including geohazard assessment);
- Conducts Research and Development on marine geology (including environmental geology, geo-technology and impact of climate change); and
- Provides coastal and offshore geological survey services.
Marine Technical Services Section
- Manages the operation and maintenance of survey vessel/s, and survey equipment and instruments.
Marine Geological Information Management Section
- Acts as custodian of and manages marine geological data;
- Supervises and provides support tothe regional offices in the conduct of Information, Education and Communication campaigns on marine geosciences (including geology, geohazard, rock and mineral deposits, hydrogeology); and
- Manages a mineral sample library.
Lands Geological Survey Division
The Lands Geological Survey Division (LGSD) shall manage the national geosciences programs on land geoscientific surveys (including geological mapping, mineral exploration, geohazard assessment, hydrogeological exploration and vulnerability assessment, and engineering geological and geo-environmental studies) and establishment of mineral reservations; conduct Research and Development on geosciences; and provide geological laboratory and information services.
Specific functions and services:
General Geology Section
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of geological mapping, and other spcialized studies involving stratigraphy, structural geology and tectonics, and geomorphology, among others; and
- Conducts Research and Development on geosciences.
Economic Geology Sectuin
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of mineral exploration (including characterization and modelling of mineral deposits);
- Manages the establishment of mineral reservations;
- Manages drilling equipment; and
- Conduct Research and Development on mineral exploration.
Hydrogeology and Environment Geology Section
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in theconduct of hydrogeological exploration and vulnerability assessment;
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of geo-environmental studies (including assessment of possible solid waste disposal sites and studies on climate change and other environmentalimpacts); and
- Conducts Research and Development on hydrogeology and environmental geology.
Geohazard and Engineering Geology Section
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of geohazard and risk assessment (including hazard modelling, and engineering geological studies);
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of relocation/resettlement and evacuation site assessment in support to disaster risk reduction and management programs; and
- Conducts Research and Development on geohazard and engineering geology.
Geological Laboratory Services Section
- Provides services on geological laboratory analysis of minerals/ores, rocks, soil, sediments, fossils, water and other types of samples;
- Provides support services to satellite laboratories in the regions; and
- Conducts Research and Development on analytical laboratory methods.
Lands Geological Information Management Section
- Acts as custodian of and manages lands geological data (including remote sensing data);
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the conduct of Information, Education and Communication cmpaigns on geosciences (including geology, geohazard, rocks and mineral deposits, hydrogeology);
- Manages the mines and geosciences museum; and
- Conduct Research and Development on geological information technology and management.
Mining Technology Division
The Mining Tenements Management Division (MTMD) shall undertake final evaluation of all mining applications, conduct audit of the disposition of mineral lands and resources, and manage the Mineral Rights Management System.
Specific functions and services:
Mining Technology Development Section
- Undertakes Research and Development on mine development and production; and
- Provides mining technology support services.
Mineral Reserves Inventory Section
- Supervises and provides support to the regional offices in the validation of mineral reserves of mining operations;
- Conducts an inventory of mineral reserves;
- Manages a mineral reserve information system; and
- Undertakes Reserch and Development on minerla reserves.
Mine Evaluation and Enforcement Section
- Conducts/Assist in the investigation of complaints (including illegal mining activities);
- Evaluates the mine plan and design component of proposed mining projects; and
- Implements the technology transfer provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations.
Small-Scale Mining Development Section
- Manages the implementation of the National Small Scale Mining program; and
- Provides technical assistance assistance on mining methods and mine safety
Metallurgical Technology Division
The Metallurgical Technology Division (MeTD) shall develop metallurgical processes of beneficiating/extracting minerals/metals from ores; provide metallurgical and analytical services to the various mining stakeholders; and conduct audit of mineral processing operations.
Specific functions and services:
Mineral Processing Research and Development Section
- Undertakes Research and Development to determine the feasibility of upgrading and recovering minerals/metals; and
- Prepares project proposals for Research and Development on mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.
Mineral Processing Service and Audit Section
- Provides services by undertaking various metallurgical bench and pilot laboratory tests on ores, minerals and metallurgical products/by products;
- Evaluates the mineral processing component of proposed mining projects;
- Conducts audit on the compliance with the terms and conditions of Mineral Processing Permit; and
- Assist in the investigation of illegal mining (including mineral processing operations).
Chemical Laboratory Service Section
- Provides services on chemical and physical analysis of minerals/ores and metallurgical products;
- Participates in the conduct of metallurgical research projects; and
- Conducts research and development on substitute and alternative procedures for rapid and cost effective analysis.
Mechanical-Electrical Service Section
- Repairs and maintains various metallurgical and analytical equipment of the Division and other office equipment and facilities of the MGB;
- Provides mechanical/electrical designs of equipment, machineries and infrastructure (including plans and layouts, specification, and bill of materials); and
- Assists in the inspection of mechanical and electrical installation of mining operations.
Legal Service Division
The Legal Services Division (LSD) shall provide legal services to the Central Office for the effective and efficient implementation of laws, rules and regulations and policies, relating to the administration and disposition of mineral lands and resources.
Specific functions and services:
Legal Review and Research Section
- Advises on implementation of existing laws, rules and regulations and policies;
- Assists in the formulation of laws, rules and regulations and policies relating to the administration and disposition of mineral lands and resources;
- Assist in the review of contracts, agreements, permits and other related documents and concerns; and
- Conducts legal researches and studies.
Investigation Section
- Investigates and assists in the resolution of special cases and appeals; and
- Assist in the investigation of illegal mining and administrative cases/complaints; assessment of compensation for damages; and prosecution of violators.