The Geological Laboratory Services Section (GLSS) of the Lands Geological Survey Division (LGSD) conducted a webinar/virtual training on Basic Chemical Spot Tests and Staining Methods on Selected Minerals last June 25, 2021, via Microsoft Teams.

Chemical spot tests and staining methods are designed to aid geologists in the megascopic identification of minerals. Results of the preliminary tests dictate the method that will be used for the determination of the major constituents of such minerals. A three-part lecture presentation on these was discussed by Dahlia R. Almosara (Senior Science Research Specialist), Eleanor R. Lobendino (Science Research Specialist II), and Irina Diane V. CastaƱos ( Science Research Specialist II) of the Petrochemistry Unit of GLSS.

Chemists, geologists, analysts, and other technical personnel from the central and regional offices with existing geological services laboratories participated in the said training.

This webinar is part of the training series of GLSS which aims to share and exchange scientific knowledge within the Bureau.


By: Lands Geological Survey Division


LGSD July 1

The Petrochemistry Unit of GLSS in the LGSD Conference Room during the webinar


LGSD July 2

Videos of the conduct of chemical spot tests and staining methods were presented

LGSD July 4

Participants asking questions and sharing insights during the open forum.


LGSD July 5

LGSD July 6

The organizers and participants of the webinar