Six chemists from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Central and Regional Offices attended the 35th Philippine Chemistry Congress held last September 20-24, 2021. The event was organized by the Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies virtually through the Whova Platform.

With the theme “Build Back Better through Chemistry”, the said event gathered 2,379 chemists, chemical technicians, and chemical educators from the various parts of the country to discuss various groundbreaking research in the industry, academe, and government.

Plenary speakers were also invited to share their thoughts on how the chemical industry can build back better in the new normal. Some notable information shared are the roles of chemistry in the circular economy and life cycle assessments which can coincide with the country’s sustainable development goals for the enhancement of the state of the environment. Challenges experienced by chemical educators in providing quality education to chemistry students were also discussed as well as those of the chemists and chemical technicians in working during the pandemic.

A total of 63 lectures and researches were shared and 108 posters were presented during the 5-day event.


By: Metallurgical Technology Division