In an effort to support women workers in the small-scale mining industry, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) in partnership with planetGOLD Philippines, held a two-day online workshop on gender inclusivity last December 9-10, 2021. The workshop, dubbed “Mainstreaming Gender in Small Scale Mining,” aimed to help the participants gain knowledge on gender issues in the small-scale mining industry. Over 50 representatives from the MGB Central Office and the gender focal from the regional offices participated in the workshop.

“For mining practice to be socially responsible, it should address the needs of men and women in small-scale mining communities. The government programs for small-scale mining are trying to focus on how the sector can provide opportunities for men and women and promote women empowerment. For this reason, gender mainstreaming should be integrated into our efforts to formalize the sector,” said Engr. Roland A. De Jesus, Assistant Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau.

The workshop served as an avenue for discussion on the legal framework related to gender and small-scale mining. It tackled issues such as limited access to sustainable livelihood, violence against women, unpaid carework, lack of gender inclusive initiatives, and the poor working condition of small-scale women miners. The gender leads who participated in the workshop developed action plans to enhance the current effort of MGB in achieving a gender-inclusive environment in the male-dominated industry of small-scale mining.

According to a baseline study on the current situation conducted by the planetGold Philippines in Sagada, Mountain Province, and in Paracale, Camarines Norte, the common issues faced by women in small-scale mining includes limited access to resources and benefits, poor working conditions, occupational health hazards, job insecurity, unpaid care work (domestic work), and gender-based violence.

“Women face several barriers to have meaningful participation in small-scale mining. Their contributions to the sector are undervalued.  Several gender gaps such as access to resources in small-scale mining remain unaddressed. The planetGOLD Philippines is working to address these challenges in order to make small-scale mining inclusive and a safe space for women to work, ” planetGOLD Philippines National Gender Specialist Jacklyn Belo-Enricoso explained.

Guided by the presentations, the participants joined a breakout session to brainstorm on action steps for the welfare of women in the small-scale mining industry. The small groups developed localized action plans to resolve key gender issues and address policy and institutional gaps in mainstreaming gender in small-scale mining.

The workshop serves as a prelude to the gender-inclusivity series to be conducted starting 2022 to strengthen the efforts of making small-scale mining a gender-inclusive sector.


By: Mining Technology Division


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Participants during the planetGOLD event.



Photo using the geocam.