The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has been awarded a Certificate of Recognition on Recruitment, Selection, and Placement Learning & Development by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) last February 10, 2022 at the MGB Multi-purpose Hall. The award was officially handed to MGB Director Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano by Ms. Fe P. Lacaba, Director II, CSC Field Office – Department of Environment and Natural Resources.


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Director Fe P. Lacaba giving a brief speech.


The award is from the CSC Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM), a mechanism that empowers government agencies by developing their human resource management competencies, systems, and practices toward HR excellence. The PRIME-HRM entails greater engagement not just of the human resource management officer (HRMO) but also of the officials and the rank-and-file employees of the agency.

Ms. Edna R. Lorilla, Chief, Administrative Division, MGB, gave a short presentation on the details behind the certificate to be handed, with all MGB Division Chiefs present during the brief program.

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The awarding of the certificate of recognition.


By: Mineral Economics, Information, and Publication Division


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All the MGB representatives during the short program.