One of the key features of the government thrust to develop the regional communities is poverty alleviation through the generation of job opportunities; for the people living in the rural areas and spur the growth of industries in the countryside; and improve socio-economic well-being. Recognizing that the small-scale mining (SSM) industry is undoubtedly one of the contributors in this thrust, the government has enacted R.A. No. 7076 in 1991, and its revised Implementing Rules and Regulations, Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2015-03, and Executive Order No. 79; these issuances provided the creation of People’s Small Scale Mining Program or the “Minahang Bayan,” aimed to formalize the SSM industry by limiting their activities to concession areas with definite environmental and business regulation. Thus, an orderly, systematic, and rational scheme for small-scale mining development and utilization of mineral resources in the country is being set in place.

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), through the Mining Technology Division (MTD), is tasked with the management of the program, with the end in view to facilitate the processing and evaluation of all Minahang Bayan (MB) petitions/proposals and assist the Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Boards (P/CMRB) to declare appropriate areas as MB and thereby ensure effective use of the country’s mineral resources and ensure an equitable sharing of revenues with the government. This is also meant to address and manage possible or potential impact/s on the environment.

As of the end of December 2021, from a total number or universe of 217 Applications/Petitions for the segregation of an area to be declared as Minahang Bayan or PSSMAs evaluated by MTD, a total of 47 are already declared, and in the official record of the MGB, hereunder, enumerated, to wit:

Declared Minahang Bayan: 47

CAR 10
Region 5 3
Region 6 1
Region 8 2
Region 9 2
Region 10 6
Region 11 12
Region 12 6
Region 13 4
Total 47


Status of the other applications/petitions are:

 Due for Declaration @ P/CMRB
 Final Declaration Clearance @DENR 4
 @ MGB RO w/ Initial Clearance (for further processing) from DENR 23
 @ DENR for Initial Review Clearance  4
 @ MGB RO for Rectification of Deficiencies  127
 @ MTMD for Area Status Clearance  6
 Total  170



By: Mining Technology Division