Last May 02, 2022, an awarding was held during the Mines and Geosciences Bureau’s (MGB) flag-raising ceremony to formally recognize the recipients of excellent service awards, dating all the way back to when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country. The certificates honoring their services were handed by Engr. Juancho Pablo S. Calvez, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Director, MGB The awardees were chosen via an Employee Satisfaction survey organized by Ms. Edna R. Lorilla, Chief, Administrative Division, and the combined efforts of the General Services Section and Human Resources Management Section.

The Social Rewards and their recipients are as follows:

  • Most Courteous Driver (Mr. John Paul Balahay)
  • Most Neat Driver (Mr. Jessi Alex Fami)
  • Most Responsive Driver (Mr. John Paul Bahalay); and
  • Most Organized Driver (Mr. Antonio Daraman)

The results of the survey were tallied and released last April 2022. MGB applauds these stellar employees, who have never faltered in their service and dedication from the start of the 2020 pandemic. Congratulations to you all!

Social Rewards May 2022

The Social Rewards recipients with Engr. Juancho Pablo S. Calvez, OIC Director in concurrent capacity, and

Ms. Edna R. Lorilla, Chief, Administrative Division

By: Mineral Economics, Information, and Publication Division