The National Committee on Geological Sciences (NCGS) held its first meeting after its seven-year hiatus on June 9, 2022, at the Multi-Purpose Room, PETROLAB Building, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB).
For a brief context, the NCGS was created under the Office of the President by virtue of Executive Order (E.O.) 625 on October 08, 1980, to promote the relevance of geological sciences. It was only this year 2022 that the Committee has been reactivated after several years to continue to carry out its functions as an advisory and coordinating body of all government agencies involved in the geological sciences with the following objectives:
- to provide a vehicle for systematic planning and deliberation of national programs in the geological sciences as well as Philippine participation in international geological programs;
- to act as an advisory body to government policy makers concerning developments in geological sciences; and
- to fulfill the role of geological sciences as an endeavor concerned with human welfare and the environment.
The first meeting of the NCGS kicked off last April 21, 2022, with the current NCGS Secretariat from MGB’s Lands Geological Survey Division and Marine Geological Survey Division, which targeted to gather the Secretariat members and introduce them to the functions, previous accomplishments, and future projects of the NCGS. The Secretariat also pointed out the government agencies who will form the Committee stipulated in E.O. 624 and then said member agencies were invited to appoint a representative to attend the next meeting held on June 09, 2022, with the agenda of introducing the Committee members, briefing on the history and functions of the NCGS, electing Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, and discussing the proposed NCGS activities.
The historic first NCGS meeting in seven years was presided on behalf of the MGB Director, Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano, by the Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Assistant Director, Engr. Teodorico A. Sandoval, Chief of the Planning, Policy and International Affairs Division, together with the members of the NCGS Secretariat. They were accompanied by representatives from the Committee member agencies, namely, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)–National Mapping and Resource Information Authority, Department of Science and Technology (DOST)–Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, National Research Council of the Philippines, Department of Tourism–Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, University of the Philippines–National Institute of Geological Sciences, and National Economic and Development Authority.
- The background presentation on the NCGS focused on its objectives, accomplishments, and proposed projects in line with the Committee’s mandate;
- The review of the criteria for the declaration of National Geological Monuments as well as the adoption of the concept of geoparks was discussed as the Committee is looking forward to revitalizing its efforts in establishing various geosites in the Philippines for inclusion in the list of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Global Geoparks;
- The election of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair will be rescheduled on the Committee’s next meeting as additional member agencies identified by the core group will be invited to join. An official invitation will be disseminated to the following agencies:
- Department of Interior and Local Government
- National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
- Department of Public Works and Highways
- National Museum
- National Historical Commission of the Philippines
- Department of Energy
- Department of Education
- Department of Tourism
- Department of Foreign Affairs–United Nations and International Organizations
- DENR–Environmental Management Bureau
- Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
The next Committee meeting has been decided to be on July 25, 2022.
Photos taken during the historic NCGS meeting last June 9, 2022
By: Lands Geological Survey Division