On June 11, 2022, representatives from the Mining Technology Division of Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the planetGOLD Philippines joined the community consultation organized by officials of Barangay Casalugan in Paracale, Camarines Norte where the proposed Mercury Free Processing System (MFPS) is planned to be installed for the small-scale gold miners (SSM) operating in the declared 26.5-hectare Minahang Bayan in Sitio Maning which is within the barangay.
This is in response to the various requirements for the construction and installation of the MFPS facility such as the building permit, and one of the requirements for the building permit is the conduct of community consultation.
Over 250 residents joined the one-day event which aimed to inform the community with the plans and course of action of the project with regard to the installation of the MFPS. MGB and planetGOLD Philippines presented the Project overview; SSM situation, harmful effects of mercury, and the process flow of the proposed MFPS facility including the safety protocols for the use of chemicals, and tailings management.
The installation of the MFPS facility is part of the Project’s goal to contribute toward the elimination of mercury in the ASGM sector by applying a supply chain approach from the miners to refiners. This facility is an alternative to the traditional amalgamation process employed by the ASGM sector in the province. Through this facility, the planetGOLD Philippines hopes to reduce the devastating effects of traditional ASGM practices which destroy the environment and introduce adverse health impacts.
“In Paracale, mercury has been used for decades as an inexpensive and easy way to collect gold despite its harmful effects, not only to the miners but also to their communities, and environment. The planetGOLD Philippines is committed to promoting and piloting alternative technologies which will address the rampant use of mercury in the sector. This is why it’s important that we engage and inform the public that there is a way to improve the decades-long harmful practices of ASGM,” National Project Technical Expert Engr. Louie Bedes explained.
Apart from the approval of the issuance building permit, the community consultation also intends to get the participation of the LGU, mining associations, and host community to provide a venue for discussion and clarification of relative issues and concerns regarding the project.
The program continued with a presentation of the draft Barangay Ordinance developed by Barangay Kagawad Lainie Abanes on the facilitation of barangay construction clearances. According to Kagawad Lainie, the draft ordinance will undergo until third reading by the Barangay Council; which will then be forwarded to the Sangguniang Bayan for three readings as well.
By: Mining Technology Division