The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) recently conducted its first leg of orientation for DENR Mindanao Cluster on DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2022-04 re: Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation and Protection in Mining Operations in Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center, Butuan City on September 5-7, 2022.

The said event aims to orient the DENR regional and field offices including personnel from the DENR Central Office (CO) on the salient features of DAO No. 2022-04. Specifically, the orientation aims to level-off, increase appreciation and understanding on the principles and measures of integrating biodiversity in mining sector; and provide a venue for sharing of experiences and practices relative to mining operations.

A total of 65 participants attended the said orientation from the DENR Mindanao Cluster (Regions IX, X, XI, XII, and XIII) composed of Directors, Chiefs, and representatives from DENR Regional Offices (ROs), MGB ROs, Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENROs), Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Offices (PENROs), Conservation and Development Division (CDD), Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), Forest Management Bureau (FMB), and Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB).

The participants were welcomed by Ms. Maritess M. Ocampo, Assistant Regional Director for Technical Services of DENR Caraga Region and opening messages were delivered by Ms. Clarissa Arida, Director of Program Development and Implementation Unit of ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, Ms. Natividad Y. Bernardino, Director of BMB, Engr. Francis Glenn N. Suante, Chief of Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division (MSESDD), MGB RO No. XIII; and Engr. Marcial Mateo, Chief of MSESDD, MGB CO.

The following are the topics presented during the said orientation:

  • Overview of the Philippine Mining Industry by For. Teodorico L. Marquez, Jr., Chief, Mine Rehabilitation Section, MSESDD, MGB CO;
  • Overview of Philippine Biodiversity and its Relevant Framework by Ms. Juvy P. Ladisla, Chief, Partnership and Engagement Section, Caves and Wetlands, Division (CAWED), BMB;
  • Overview of Biodiversity Corridor Project by Mr. Ariel Erasga, Natural Resources Management Officer, National Project Management Unit, UNDP-Biodiversity Corridor Project;
  • Salient Provisions of DAO No. 2022-04 by For. Christian Kevin A. Latiza, Chief, Mine Environmental Management Section MSESDD, MGB CO;
  • Measures for Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation and Protection in Mining Operations by Mr. Anson Tagtag, OIC Chief, CAWED, BMB; and
  • Rehabilitation of Degraded Ecosystems by For. Paul Cuadra, Supervising Science Research Specialist, Forest Ecosystems Research Division, ERDB.

An open forum was then conducted between the participants and the presenters to discuss the various matters relating to the implementation of DAO No. 2022-04.

Likewise, a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) was conducted by Ms. Argean S. Guiaya, Senior Ecosystems Management Specialist, CAWED, BMB, in preparation for the development of modules and instructional materials on the integration of biodiversity in the mining sector pursuant to Section 10 of DAO No. 2022-04 to be prepared by BMB in consultation with MGB.

On the second day of the learning event, the participants visited Agata Mining Ventures, Inc. (AMVI) located in Jabonga, Santiago and Tubay, Agusan Del Norte. The said mine visit aims to acquaint the participants on the existing implementation of AMVI’s biodiversity conservation and protection measures in their mining operations.

Overall, the event was made possible through the financial and technical support of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity BCAMP and DENR-UNDP Biodiversity Corridor Project, in coordination with BMB and MGB.

The remaining leg of orientations on DAO No. 2022-04 for DENR Luzon Cluster (Regions CAR, I, II, III, IV-A) and Visayas Cluster (Regions IV-B, V, VI, VII, VIII) will be held in CY 2023.



Photo 1. Ms. Maritess M. Ocampo, Assistant Regional Director Technical Services,
DENR Caraga Administrative Region while delivering the welcome message.


Photo 2. Engr. Francis Glenn N. Suante, Chief, MSESDD, MGB RO No. XIII
while delivering the message of Engr. Larry M. Heradez.


Photo 3. Ms. Clarissa Arida, Director, Program Development and Implementation Unit,
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity while delivering her opening message.


Photo 4. Engr. Marcial Mateo, Chief, MSESDD, MGB CO, while delivering
the message of Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano.


Photo 5. Ms. Natividad Y. Bernardino, Director, BMB while delivering her opening message.


Photo 6 (Left to Right): For. Teodorico L. Marquez, Jr., MGB CO; Ms. Ms. Juvy P. Ladisla, BMB;
and For. Christian Kevin A. Latiza during the presentation.


Photo 7 (Left to Right): Mr. Anson M. Tagtag, BMB; Mr. Ariel Erasga, UNDP- Biodiversity Corridor Project;
and Mr. Paul J. Cuadra, ERDB during the presentation.


Photo 8. Ms. Argean S. Guiaya, BMB, while discussing the survey form
for the conduct of Training Needs Assessment with the participants.



Photo 9. The participants during the safety induction in Agata Mining Ventures, Inc.
located in Jabonga, Santiago and Tubay, Agusan Del Norte.


Photo 10. The participants while visiting the ongoing progressive rehabilitation of Agata Mining Ventures, Inc.


Photo 11. The participants in the progressively rehabilitated mined-out area transformed
into an ecotourism area in Agata Mining Ventures, Inc.


Photo 12. The participants during the mine visit in Agata Mining Ventures, Inc.



By: Mine Safety, Environment, and Social Development Division