A Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) composed of technical personnel from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Central Office and the Regional Offices of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) in Region V recently conducted an investigation of the alleged environmental destruction caused by the mining operation of Filminera Resources Corporation (FRC) in Aroroy, Masbate.
The said investigation is in response to the concerns raised by Ang Aroroy ay Alagaan, Inc. (AAAI) and Marian Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MMPC) on the alleged contamination of the water bodies in the area and neighboring barangays that have affected their livelihood.
AAAI is a group of fishpond owners and fisher folks while MMPC is an association of local residents of Aroroy, Masbate. The complainants pointed to the operations of FRC as responsible for the said contamination.
The issue on land ownership between MMPC and FRC was also investigated.
The MDT conducted a visual stream survey and on-site quality assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics of water. Samples of water, sediment, residual oil and biological species were also collected in 12 sampling stations identified by MMPC and AAAI particularly within and around the vicinity of the mining area and neighboring barangays of Aroroy, Masbate.
All obtained samples are being analyzed at the respective or accredited laboratories of EMB, MGB and BFAR. The results will be used to come up with measures that will address the alleged contamination of the water bodies in the area.
FRC's tailings storage facility and water treatment plant and pertinent documents were also inspected.
For its part, BFAR held dialogues for possible registration/legalization of AAAI's aquaculture farm. An inspection of the aquaculture farms was also conducted to determine compliance with hygiene practices and disease surveillance.
- MPC and AAAI were advised to avail of the technological support services of BFAR and the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, in legalizing their fishpond operation;
- MMPC should submit rejoinder on land dispute; and
- AAAI should submit letter-request to become a member of the FRC Multipartite Monitoring Team as Non-Government Organization representative and a project proposal for possible livelihood project.

|A team member gathering water sample from Guinobatan River.