The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Administrative Division (AD) conducted the Writeshop on the MGB Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) last April 3-5, 2024 at the Metallurgical Technology Division (MetD) Conference Room.

  The 3-day write shop aims to establish a Core Team of MGB-PSCP and to highlight the internal capacities, recovery requirements, and strategies that lean toward the continuous delivery of quality public services during an emergency or disaster.

  The writeshop started with the opening ceremony and preliminaries, wherein the participants took the pre-test. Ms. Leilani Saunders, AD, discussed the training overview and house rules of the event.

  The other resource persons for the said writeshop are Ms. Edna R. Lorilla, AD Chief; Mr. Patrick Andrew S. Ramos, AD; and Ms. Ma. Cristina D. Pornillos, Policy, Planning and International Affairs Division.

  During Day 1, the Public Service Continuity Initiation Module and Risk Assessment For Continuity of Operations Module were discussed. They also provide inputs to a Policy Statement and Risk Assessment as assignments.

  On Day 2, there was a recap of Day 1, and presentation of the Policy Statements and Risk Assessments, and a new module, Determining and Prioritizing Essential Functions. On the other hand, the resource persons provide participants with the assignments for the Establishing Mission Essential Functions and Impact Analysis.

  On the last day, there was again a recap of Day 2 and a presentation of the assignments. The Developing Continuity Strategies Module, Developing the Public Service Continuity Plan Module, and the Exercising, Testing, and Maintaining the PSC Program Module were also discussed.

  The writeshop concluded with the participants answering the post-test and training evaluation form. In general, through the modules and activities accomplished by each participant, the PSCP Core Team were able to identify the Mission Essential Functions and their respective Recovery Time Objective as a baseline and gave inputs in crafting the initial MGB PSCP.


Admin MGB PSCP 1  Admin MGB PSCP

Ms.Leilani Saunders of the Administrative Division discussing the training overview and learning objectives to the MGB PSCP participants

By: Mineral Economics, Information, and Publication Division