The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Employees Association (MGBEA) spearheaded the activity: “Continuing Employees Welfare Program and Benefits Forum (Series VII)” held last June 18 to 21, 2024, in Brentwood Suites, Quezon City.

                The four (4)-day event aims to formulate and develop concrete action plans to effectively implement the 2023 MGBEA-MGB Collective Negotiation Agreement provisions on Employees Welfare and Development based on the different dimensions of the Workplace Wellness of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Human Resource Management and Development Programs.              

Ms. Gloria M. Mendoza, Chief, Financial Management Division of MGB Central Office, represented MGB Management on behalf of Atty. Danilo U. Uykieng, MGB OIC Director. She explained several strategies to ensure that the wellness programs will be successfully implemented to further develop the skills of the MGB employees for their betterment and increased their productivity to fully serve the stakeholders of MGB in general.

                A combination of various learning methodologies such as lectures and focus group discussions were used in the conduct of the different sessions to enable the participants to interact during group work activities to produce the expected outputs. Major outputs derived from the activity include concrete action plans which shows the appropriate wellness activities, timeline of implementation, required resources and responsible person or office who will implement the programs. 

               The participants consisting mostly of members of the National and Chapter MGB-MGBEA Consultative Committee were grouped into different clusters and assigned their respective wellness dimensions. Resource speakers from Philhealth, CSC, PAG-IBIG, GSIS, COA, and DOST discussed concepts, theories, tools, and strategies prior to the cluster activities to serve as guides in developing wellness programs needed by MGB to sustain a healthy and productive workforce.

This activity was organized by MGBEA, as partner of MGB in attaining its mission, vision and mandates, with the theme, “Malusog na pangangatawan, susi sa kalidad na serbisyo… Kalusugan paka-ingatan upang kaunlaran ay makamtan”.




 MGBEA S7 Employee Seminar 1

Participants of the Workshop include members of the MGBEA-MGB Consultative Committee from the MGB Central and Regional offices.

MGBEA S7 Employee Seminar 2

 Forum activities include Lectures/Presentations from the invited Resource Speakers (CSC, Philhealth, Pag-ibig, COA, GSIS, and Health Practitioner) and Focus/Interactive Group discussions.