The Marine Geological Survey Division (MGSD) of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) conducted a Writeshop on Marine Mineral Extraction Guidelines and the corresponding Department of Environment and Natural Resources administrative order (DAO) on September 30 to October 2, 2024 at the Seda Manila Bay, Paranaque City.
The writeshop aims to review the draft Guidelines on Marine Mineral Exploration and Extraction and build the attendant DAO. With this, the standards in the practice of responsible and sustainable offshore mining will be upheld and uplifted. This can earn the public’s trust and lessen, if not eliminate, the negative perception of the mining industry, particularly on marine mineral extraction.
Technical divisions from the MGB Central Office and selected Regional Offices, guests from 8 offshore mining companies, and representatives from the Philippine Reclamation Authority and Environmental Management Bureau attended the event. The Guidelines on Marine Mineral Exploration and Extraction are set to be finalized within the year.
Marine mineral extraction and exploration in the country, considered in its inception stage, may impel various social and environmental issues that concern the public, particularly those living near the coasts. Conversely, the inevitable increase in the number of offshore mineral exploration and agreement applications makes the system of monitoring vital in ensuring compliance with set regulations and the implementation of best practices in marine exploration and extraction
The draft DAO will be subjected to scrutiny and evaluation by the Policy Technical Working Groups of both the MGB and the DENR.
By: Marine Geological Survey Division
Marine Mineral Exploration and Extraction Guidelines Writeshop Participants and Organizers