Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Roy A. Cimatu wants to “reinvent” mining and encouraged the sector to follow the law and continue to work with the government in rehabilitating the affected lands and enhancing their environmental protection activities.
In his speech during a mining forum, Secretary Cimatu said that the mining industry in the country needs reinvention and that it needs to change into something that is almost entirely new.
“Reinvent means to change something so much that it appears to be entirely new. It means to take up a very different way of life. So why reinvent mining? Because that is what exactly the industry needs now. We need to change to be almost entirely new. We need to take up a very different way of life,” Secretary Cimatu said during the Mining Philippines Conference and Exhibition 2018 at Sofitel Philippine Plaza Hotel on September 18.
The Secretary reiterated that “reinventing” the mining industry is about providing the proper benefits that are entitled to the Filipino people and by complying with the laws that aim to protect and conserve the country’s natural resources for the gain of the future generation.
“Most importantly, reinventing mining in the Philippines is providing actual benefits to the people who must benefit first and foremost from the utilization of the country’s mineral resources as pronounced by the President in several instances. We can do more by strictly complying with the protection and conservation of the natural resources to ensure that future generation will benefit,” he stated.
He also confirmed that government is also doing its share of “reinventing” the industry by strictly carrying out environmental laws through the enforcement fines, penalties, suspension and closure to erring companies. The Secretary believes that enforcement is critical in ushering in a new era of the mining industry.
“Reinventing mining entails improving the MGB monitoring of operations and compliance of mining companies to mining and environmental laws, rules and regulations. Enforcing fines, penalties, suspension and closure to demonstrate no-nonsense putting into force compliance and promoting deterrence for commission of violations, is imperative,” the Secretary said.
In the end of his speech, Secretary Cimatu encouraged the mining industry to continue its efforts in implementing its programs such as: reforestation; progressive rehabilitation; provision of appropriate mitigating measures to protect watershed and waterbodies; and to “follow strictly the environmental guidelines in all aspects of mining operation.”
“We should do more. We can change mining’s way of life. Let us change the face of mining in the Philippines,” he said.
He capped off the speech with his challenge and wish for the mining sector: for it to be capable to discipline itself; an industry that has high regard for environmental protection and works genuinely with the communities, towards the common goal of sustainable development of the country’s resources that brings about economic boost and progress.
Mining Philippines Conference and Exhibition is an annual event organized by the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines, attended by its members and stakeholders, to showcase their achievements, best practices and discuss current relevant topics to improve the mining industry. This year’s theme is “Strategic Synergies: Communicating the Gains of Responsible Mining.”
The event was held on September 18 – 20, 2018.
By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publications Division