The members of the Mines Adjudication Board (MAB) and Panel of Arbitrators (PA) of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) all over the country visited Carmen Copper Corporation’s (CCC) open pit mining in Toledo City, Cebu on March 2, 2019. The mine visit was purposely designed to see and witness the responsible mining operations of the company with respect to the implementation of environmental protection, safety and health, development of mining communities, corporate social responsibility and other related activities. Carmen Copper Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (ACMDC) and it has exclusive operating rights over the in situ mineral resources and ore reserves of Carmen, Lutopan and Biga mineral deposits, collectively known as Toledo copper mine covering 1,674 hectares.
The benchmarking activity of the members of the MAB/PA was undertaken in order to enhance their knowledge and perception on how responsible mining is implemented. MAB/PA members were informed about the company profile and orientation on safety rules and regulations was also given as a prerequisite prior to going to the mine site, milling plant and other mine facilities.
During the mine tour, questions were raised by some of the members of the MAB/PA and were answered by the technical and non-technical personnel of the company. The tour ended at 11:30 in the morning where the company’s museum was the last area that was visited by the MAB/PA.
According to the tour guide, the mine site and its facilities are opened to any visitors including its museum which was opened on October 2018, where the company showcased their humble beginning which evolved and emerged over time as one of the best mining practice in promoting responsible mining with sustainable development and pro-environment programs in the country.
Pictures were taken after the Visitors Safety Orientation and during the Museum Tour.
The mine visit is very helpful to non-mining engineers and/or geologist who are members of the MAB/PA especially in visualizing how open pit mining method is introduced.
By: Legal Service Division
Acknowledgement: Atty. Josephine V. Sescon for the photos and Glenda B. Quinto of MGB Central Office-Legal Service Division and Engr. Hernani Abdon of MGB Region XII for this article.