The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) conducted the “Workshop on the Preparation of the Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) for FY 2021-2023” last June 17 to 21, 2019 at Widus Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga.
The said workshop was spearheaded and facilitated by the Information Systems Group under the Planning and Policy International Affairs Division of MGB Central Office.
With the aim of finalizing the MGB ISSP for FY 2021-2023 pursuant to the requirement of the Government-Wide Medium-Term Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Harmonization Initiative, the workshop was attended by the Information Technology Specialists, ICT Focal Persons, Planning Officers and Planning Officer Designates from MGB Central and Regional Offices.
MGB Assistant Director Atty. Danilo U. Uykieng kicked off the activity with opening remarks wherein he appreciated the presence of the experts in the workshop, and expressed his high expectations for the output from the workshop.
The five (5) day activity was broken down into three (3) workshops: (a) Review and Updating of ICT Requirements, (b) Status Inventory of ICT Requirements, and (c) Identification/Proposal of ICT Requirements.
The workshop concluded with a closing message from Asst. Dir. Uykieng. He lauded the participants on the finalized ISSP for FY 2021-2023. He mentioned that he is looking forward to a fully automated MGB by 2023.
The participants of the workshop returned to their respective regional offices with gained knowledge on Microsoft Teams, an automated and enhanced tool for communication, data sharing and collaboration; and the Planning and Policy Services Information System (PaPSIS), the information system which will facilitate project planning and monitoring, and evaluation of all project-based initiatives of MGB.
By: Planning and Policy International Affairs Division
Atty. Danilo U. Uykieng, MGB Acting Assistant Director, during his opening remarks
Workshop participants during discussions on the first day