The Chemical Laboratory Service Section (CLSS) of the Metallurgical Technology Division – Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is validating its method on using Energy Dispersive – X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (ED-XRF) for the determination of iron and silica in laterite samples. The process involves fusion of the sample, which dissolves and homogenizes it into a glass bead, and is then quantified using the ED-XRF. This method does not use any strong acids for digestion thus, safer working conditions for MGB Chemists and lesser wastes are generated by the laboratory.

Initial method evaluation yielded positive results with percent recoveries ranging from 98-102% for both iron and silica. Continuous improvement of the method are currently being undertaken to ensure its applicability for a wider range of lateritic ores. CLSS also started developing a separate method for silicate samples.

The utilization of ED-XRF by CLSS laboratory would mean shorter analysis time. Thus, once methods are fully validated and approved for use, clients can expect faster turn-over of results of analysis.


By: Metallurgical Division

ED-XRF Spectrometer

Fusion Machine