The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has conducted a workshop on the finalization of MGB Gender and Development (GAD) Agenda for 2020-2025 as well as the preparation of GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) for 2020 at the Villa Lorenza Resort, Barangay Halayhayin, Pililia, Rizal last September 16-20, 2019.

The participants were introduced to the GAD International and National Mandates in line with the GAD Planning and Budgeting and the concept of sectoral gender issues focusing on the Four Main Entry Points of Gender Mainstreaming. They also worked on corresponding strategic action plans to address the identified prioritized gender issues in a working environment, with each group presenting their outputs on the matter in preparation of the GAD Agenda along with GAD Plans and Budget for 2020.

The importance of GAD Planning and Budgeting were discussed deeply, focusing on the elements, processes and procedures for submission, review and endorsement of GPBs and GAD Accomplishment Reports for National Government Agencies, Regional Legislative Assemblies, State Universities and Colleges and Local Government Units. The participants also finalized the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-MGB GAD Agenda 2020-2025 using the prescribed templates from the Philippine Commission on Women.

The event concluded with a synthesis of the entire workshop and the presentation of immediate GAD action plans to be accomplished covering CY 2019-2020.

By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publication Division

Participants of the MGB GAD Agenda for 2020-2025 training workshop.
