On March 2, 2020, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) through the MGB GAD Focal Point System, proudly started the month by celebrating the annual event recognized as the National Women’s Month Celebration (NWMC). MGB personnel wore their purple uniforms and sang a song about commemorating women during the flag-raising ceremony as a sign of their support of NWMC.

Through Proclamation No. 224 s. 1988, the first week of March each year is declared as Women’s Week and March 8 as Women’s Rights and International Peace Day. It is a part of the worldwide observance of International Women's Day.

The month-long celebration will still be continuing with the theme, "We Make Change for Women", which was identified last 2017 by the Philippine Commission on Women Board Members and Inter-Agency Technical Working Group. The objectives of the 2017-2022 NWMC are: a) intend to promote citizen-centric governance, b) make a conscious effort to implement change, c) strengthen the enforcement of the MCW, as well as empower women, and d) promote gender equality.



By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publication Division




MGB personnel during the Monday flag-raising ceremony