On December 01, 2020, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) announced the Call for Nominees among Mining Contractors, Permit Holders and Permittees and their Operator/s for the 2020 Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Awards (PMIEA), Mining Forest Program (MFP) – Best Mining Forest Contest, and Safest Mines Awards (SMA).

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the various Selection Committees and MGB opted to continue to give recognition to the private sector’s initiatives and exemplary achievements in the protection of the environment and ecology to further promote private sector participation, enhance public awareness on the protection of the environment and ecology, and contribute to the growth of the economy and improvement in the quality of life of Filipinos.  

MGB, through the Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division, as the Technical Secretariat of the Committees spearheaded the virtual meetings for the approval of PMIEA and Best Mining Forest Contest Guidelines on the conduct of offsite selection and validation. The virtual meetings of PMIEA Selection Committee and the Mining Forest Program – National Executive Committee were conducted last November 25, 2020 and November 26, 2020, respectively.

For this year’s selection, nominees are required to submit PMIEA/MFP write-up, supporting Safety and Health, Environment, and Social Development and MFP documents, and audio-visual presentation.

Offsite validation will be conducted to adhere to the ongoing community quarantine due to COVID-19. The said activity aims to evaluate the safety and health, environmental management, social/community development and reforestation performance and accomplishments of Contractors/Permit Holders/Permittees covering the period July 2019 – June 2020.

Documents, together with the endorsement of the respective MGB Regional Offices, shall be submitted to MGB CO on or before January 08, 2021.

The conferment of these awards is usually being celebrated during the Annual National Mine Safety and Environment Conference in Baguio City.  However, for this year’s selection, the virtual awarding ceremony is tentatively scheduled in March 2021.


By: Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division

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MGB Memorandum dated December 01, 2020 re: Call for Nominees


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PMIEA Selection Committee Meeting last November 25, 2020

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MFP – National Executive Committee Meeting last November 26, 2020