Among the 31 oral presenters in various fields of nuclear sciences, Mr. Kevin L. Garas, a Senior Geologist of the Lands Geological Survey Division, Mines and Geosciences Bureau – Central Office, bagged the Best Oral Presentation Award during the closing ceremony of the 2nd Philippine Nuclear Research and Development Conference (PNRDC) on December 11, 2020. He presented the research entitled "Growth variations of precisely-dated fossil corals from Northwest Pacific: Measurements from 2D X-ray imaging”.
Utilizing two-dimensional X-ray imaging techniques, growth parameters such as linear extension rate, skeletal density, and calcification rates of fossil corals were measured and analyzed. The paper has shown the impacts of environmental and climate changes over the past 10,000 years on the growth and calcification mechanism of corals embedded in carbonate rocks. The novelty of the X-ray techniques in geo-environmental research has given a new perspective in the understanding of long-term changes of the Earth.
PNRDC has featured 72 research papers (31 oral and 41 poster presentations) from 234 authors coming from eight countries including the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Australia, Germany, Myanmar, Japan, and the USA. With the theme “Ambisyong Nukleyar Tungo sa Maunlad na Pilipinas”, PNRDC focused on the growing role of the atom in national development, through the diverse nuclear applications that respond to society’s pressing needs and the possible inclusion of nuclear power in the country’s energy mix.
The conference highlighted the applications of nuclear science to the following sectors: a) Food and Agriculture, b) Health, Education and Policy, c) Environment and Archeology, d) Theoretical and Computational Sciences, e) Nuclear Engineering, f) Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management, and g) Radiation Processing and Industry. The said event was organized by the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute in conjunction with the 48th Atomic Energy Week celebration.
By: Lands Geological Survey Division
Mr. Garas virtually receiving the Best Oral Presentation Award during the closing ceremony of the 2nd PNRDC.
X-ray photo of a fossil coral from Ilocos Norte showing high and low-density growth bands.