Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Award Selection Committee (PMIEASC), National Executive Committee (NEC) for the Best Mining Forest Contest-Mining Forest Program (MFP) and Mines and Geosciences Bureau for the Safest Mines Award (SMA) continued to give recognition to the private sector’s initiatives and exemplary achievements in the protection of the environment and ecology to further promote private sector participation and enhance public awareness on the protection of the environment and ecology, and contribute to the growth of the economy and improvement in the quality of life of Filipinos.  

The PMIEA recognizes outstanding levels of dedication, initiative, and innovation in the pursuit of entities involved in various aspects of mineral utilization. The scope includes among others, programs/projects/activities being implemented for the environmental protection and enhancement of mining areas, social development of the host and neighboring communities, safety and health, land use improvement, exploration and mining site rehabilitation and final decommissioning.

The PMIEA was officially established under Executive Order No. 399 on February 03, 1997 in compliance with the policy that mineral exploration and mining operation shall be pro-environment and pro-people in sustaining wealth creation, improving the quality of life, and managing mining activities in an environmentally responsible manner. This is to ensure maintenance of sustainable conditions at every stage of mining as well as the establishment of a functional and socially-acceptable post-disturbance land use capability. It is meant to be a fitting recognition of the private minerals sectors' initiatives and exemplary achievements in the protection of the environment.

The said Award is being conferred every year to deserving groups and/or companies engaged in mining activities in the country under the following categories: Mineral Exploration, Quarry Operation, Surface Mining Operation, Underground Mining Operation and Mineral Processing. All mining companies involved in any of the said categories for at least a year at the time of the selection may qualify for the PMIEA.

For CY 2020, nine (9) mining companies were awarded with the PMIEA and nine (9) companies were given with PMIEASC Achievement Awards based on the results of the offsite validation undertaken from December 2020 to February 2021. The selection and validation covered the accomplishment and performance of these companies for July 2019 – June 2020.

The following are the recipients of CY 2020 PMIEA:


Contractor/Permit Holder/Permittee

Mineral Processing

Coral Bay Nickel Corporation

Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation


Holcim Resources and Development Corp.


Lafarge Holcim Aggregates, Inc.

(as operator of MPSA Nos. 032-95-IVA and 055-96-IVA of

Concrete Aggregates Corp.)


Republic Cement and Building Materials, Inc. - Batangas


Republic Cement and Building Materials, Inc. - Bulacan

Surface Mining Operation

Berong Nickel Corp.

Cagdianao Mining Corp.

(as operator of MPSA No. 078-97-XI of East Coast Mineral

 Resources Co., Inc.)

Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corp.

Mining companies that fell short of the requirements to be awarded with PMIEA but exhibited satisfactorily performance in environment, safety and health, and social development and management were conferred with the PMIEASC Achievement Awards.

These companies are as follows:


Contractor/Permit Holder/Permittee



Filminera Resources Corporation


Mineral Processing

Philippine Gold Processing and Refining Corporation


Mineral Processing

Unichamp Mineral, Phils., Inc.


Quarry Operation

Eagle Cement Corporation


Holcim Mining and Development

Corporation - Bulacan


Republic Cement Mindanao, Inc.


Surface Mining Operation

Filminera Resources Corporation


Hinatuan Mining Corporation


Platinum Group Metals Corporation

(as operator of MPSA No. 007-92-X of Surigao Integrated Resources Corp.)



Relative to the objective of the PMIEA, the MFP, established pursuant to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 22, series of 1989, through the NEC, the winners for the CY 2020 Best Mining Forest Contest were selected through offsite validation. The Best Mining Forest Contest aims to recognize the exemplary performance of Contractor/Permit Holder/Permittee in the implementation of its MFP as one of the strategies in achieving effective progressive rehabilitation.

The CY 2020 Best Mining Forest Contest winners and runners-up are the following: 


Contractor/Permit Holder/Permittee


Exploration Category

Philex Mining Corporation


Mineral Processing Plant Category

Taganito THPAL Nickel Corp.


Coral Bay Nickel Corporation

1st Runner-up

Mindanao Mineral Processing and Refining Corporation

2nd Runner-up

Non-metallic Category

Republic Cement & Building Materials, Inc. - Bulacan


Holcim Mining and Development Corporation - Davao

1st Runner-up

Lafarge Holcim Aggregates, Inc.

(as operator of MPSA Nos. 032-95-IVA and 055-96-IVA of Concrete Aggregates Corp.)

2nd Runner-up

Holcim Mining and Development Corporation - Bulacan

3rd Runner-up

Metallic Category

Berong Nickel Corporation


Hinatuan Mining Corporation

1st Runner-up

FCF Minerals Corporation

2nd Runner-up

Philex Mining Corporation

3rd Runner-up

Likewise, the selection of CY 2020 winners of the Safest Mines Awards (SMA) and Best Mines Personalities was administered by the MGB. The SMA aims to recognize the efforts of the mining companies in achieving zero accident in the workplace as well as the dedication of the mine workers to safety.

Below are the winners and runners-up of the CY 2020 Safest Mines Awards:


Contractor/Permit Holder/Permittee


Safest Mineral Exploration – Category A

Filminera Resources Corporation


Safest Mineral Exploration – Category B

Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc.


Safest Quarry Operation Category

Republic Cement and Building Materials, Inc. - Batangas


Holcim Mining and Development Corporation - Davao


Safest Surface Mining Category

FCF Minerals Corporation


Cagdianao Mining Corporation

(as operator of MPSA No. 078-97-XI of East Coast Mineral Resources Co., Inc.)


Safest Underground Mining Category

Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc.


Safest Mineral Processing – Extraction Plant Category

Coral Bay Nickel Corporation


Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation


Safest Mineral Processing – Calcining Plant Category

Graymont (Phils.), Inc.


BMC – Forestry Corporation


Safest Mineral Processing – Crushing Plant Category

Philippine Mining Services Corporation - Alcoy Plant


Most Improved Safety Performance

Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc.


Safest Mining Operation

FCF Minerals Corporation



Best Mines Personalities





Best Surface Miner

Sulson S. Dumanig

Platinum Group Metals Corporation

Ary Best Surface Safety Inspector

Aldrin L. Resullar

Hinatuan Mining Corporation

Best Surface Mine Supervisor

Lester T. Mangliwan

FCF Minerals Corporation

Best Underground Safety Inspector

Danny V. Peralta

Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc.

Best Underground Mine Supervisor

Carlos T. Uyan

Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc.

The blended awarding ceremony for the said awards was held at DENR Social Hall and virtually streamed at the official MGB Facebook account and Microsoft Teams on March 18, 2021.

USEC Jim O. Sampulna, CESO I, Undersecretary for Enforcement, Mining and Muslim Affairs delivered the keynote message of Secretary Roy A. Cimatu. The theme for the said event is: “Resilient and Responsible Mining Industry Under the New Normal.” The MGB Facebook Live Stream of the said awarding ceremony is available at this link:


By: Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division


MSESDD 1 min

Photo 1. Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano, MGB Director, during the Opening Remarks

(Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)

MSESDD 2 min

Photo 2. USEC Jim O. Sampulna while delivering the Keynote Message of Secretary Roy A. Cimatu. (Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)

MSESDD 3 min

Photo 3. Engr. Roland A. De Jesus, CESO V, MGB Assistant Director (AD) and Regional Director

in concurrent capacity MGB MIMAROPA Region during the Closing Remarks. (Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)

MSESDD 4 min

Photo 4. Mr. Benjamin Armand Tansingco, Vice President for Environmental Management, Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippines Holding Corp.,

Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation, while receiving the Award for CY 2020 Best Mining Forest Contest under Mineral Processing Plant Category

with MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano; Engr. Nonita S. Caguioa, DENR Assistant Secretary for Finance,

Information Systems and Mining Concerns; Forest Management Burau (FMB) OIC-AD Edna D. Nuestro; and MGB AD Roland A. De Jesus.

(Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)


MSESDD 5 min

Photo 5. Mr. Tulsi Das Reyes, President, Berong Nickel Corporation, while receiving the Award for CY 2020 Best Mining Forest Contest

under Metallic Category with MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano; Asec Nonita S. Caguioa; FMB OIC-AD Edna Nuestro;

and MGB AD Roland A. De Jesus. (Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)

MSESDD 6 min

Photo 6. Mr. Lloyd Vicente, President, Republic Cement and Building Materials, Inc. – Bulacan while receiving the Award for CY 2020

Best Mining Forest Contest under Non-metallic Category with MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano; Asec Nonita S. Caguioa;

FMB OIC-AD Edna Nuestro; and MGB AD Roland A. De Jesus. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)

MSESDD 7 min

Photo 7. Engr. Louie R. Sarmiento, President, Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc., while receiving the Award for CY 2020 Most Improved Safety Performance

with MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano; Asec Nonita S. Caguioa; and Engr. Marcial H. Mateo, MGB-MSESDD Chief. (Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)


MSESDD 8 min

Photo 8. Mr. Lorne Harvey, Acting General Manager-Operations, FCF Minerals Corporation, while receiving the Award for CY 2020

Overall Safest Mining Operation with MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano; Asec Nonita S. Caguioa; and Engr. Marcial H. Mateo,

MGB-MSESDD Chief. (Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)

MSESDD 9 min

Photo 9. Mr. Benjamin Armand Tansingco, Vice President for Environmental Management, Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippines Holding Corp.,

Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation, while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophy under Mineral Processing Category with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and

Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (COMP) Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: DENR-SCIS)

MSESDD 10 min

Photo 10. Mr. Benjamin Armand Tansingco, Vice President for Environmental Management, Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippines Holding Corp.,

Coral Bay Nickel Corporation, while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophy under Mineral Processing Category with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and

COMP Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)

MSESDD 11 min 

Photo 11. Mr. Lloyd Vicente, President, Republic Cement and Building Materials, Inc. – Batangas and Bulacan, while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophies

under Quarry Operation Category with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and COMP Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)

MSESDD 12 min

Photo 12. Mr. Cilor P. Guevarra, Head for Corporate Affairs of Holcim Resources Development Corporation; and Ms. Beverly E. Millares, OIC Community Relations

of LafargeHolcim Aggregates, Inc. while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophies under Quarry Operation Category with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and

COMP Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)

MSESDD 13 min

Photo 13. Mr. Tulsi Das Reyes, President, Berong Nickel Corporation, while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophy under Surface Mining Operation Category

with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and COMP Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)

MSESDD 14 min

Photo 14. Mr. Aloysius Diaz, Vice President for Operations, Cagdianao Mining Corporation, while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophy under

Surface Mining Operation Category with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and COMP Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)

MSESDD 15 min

Photo 15. Mr. Rommel Cruz, Vice President for Operations, Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation, while receiving the CY 2020 PMIEA Trophy under

Surface Mining Operation Category with Usec Jim O. Sampulna and COMP Chairman Gerald Brimo. (Photo courtesy: MGB-MSESDD)