The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) together with line agency, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) held a two-day consultative meeting on May 19 and 20, 2021 through Microsoft Teams for the presentation of the draft Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Executive Order (EO) No. 130.

Executive Order 130 was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte last April 14, 2021, amending the provisions in Section 4 of EO 79, enforced nine years ago, imposing a moratorium on the processing of new mining projects in the Philippines.

As stated on EO130 section 4, all issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of EO130 are hereby revoked, modified, or amended accordingly. 

Different officials from MGB and DENR formed the Policy Technical Working Group to formulate the IRR for EO 130.

On the first day of the meeting, DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu personally graced the panel to clarify the draft IRR and aid in addressing the queries of the stakeholders. 

DENR Undersecretary Jim O. Sampulna, DENR Asst. Secretary Nonita S. Caguioa, MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano, MGB Asst. Director Roland A. De Jesus, and all MGB division chiefs also attended the two-day consultative meeting to talk over the IRR clauses to stakeholders. 

During the first session of the two-day meeting, MGB Director Moncano stated that a repealing clause in the draft IRR will lift the four-year ban on open pit mining.

Dir. Moncano said, "One of the administrative orders mentioned in the repealing clause of the draft IRR includes Department of Environment and Natural Resources Order (DAO) 2017-10 that was issued by the late former Environment Secretary Regina Paz L. Lopez"

He stated, DAO 2017-10 is covered by the repealing clause which will ultimately lift the open-pit mining ban.

Secretary Cimatu noted to fast track the finalization of IRR to get the EO in action. He also emphasized the challenge of the mining sector to faithfully meet the new requirements in applying for mining projects.

The two-day consultative meeting was held through batches. The first day (May 19) was held for the representatives from mining companies across the nation, while on the second day (May 20) was held for representatives from non-government organizations, local government units, and the academe.



IMG 2175DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu and MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano during the first day session of the meeting


IMG 2195 Second day of the consultative meeting



By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publication Division