Dalugdog, R.S.,Santos, J. C. V., Aleta, J.T., Berador, A.E.G.
Mines and Geosciences Bureau – Region VII Banilad, Mandaue City
This study is an attempt to augment the current Coastal Geohazard Vulnerability Mapping and Assessment Program of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau – Marine Geological Survey Division in determining the most vulnerable segments of the coastline of the country (in terms of physical impact) through the method of Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) coupled with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This study aims to incorporate socio – economic parameters to the present methodology to generate an enhanced Coastal Vulnerability Map of Medellin, Cebu. Aside from the seven (7) Physical Parameters currently used for the project, socio-economic parameters, which include the following: a) Population; b) Land Use; c) Infrastructures and Built – Up Structures; and d) Transportation (Accessibility and Road Networks), will be added into the equation, inasmuch as these data are already available. The seven (7) Physical Parameters utilized for the CVI, which includes the following: a) shoreline changes for the past 14 years; (b) classification of geomorphic units and substrate type; (c) coastal slope (in degrees); (d) presence/absence of natural buffers (mangroves, seagrass, and/or coral reefs); (e) presence of hard engineering defenses; (f) mean tidal range and (g) coastline orientation with respect to the dominant wind- driven wave direction, are retained. Utilizing the ArcGIS software for data processing and analysis, the author attempts to quantify the effects of the physical processes vis- a-vis the socio-economic aspect of the coastal communities in the study area. Through this study, the Local Government Unit of Medellin and the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Office is guided in identifying the most vulnerable areas of the Municipality against coastal hazards and erosion. Moreover, the output will help in the formulation and development of their comprehensive land use plan, the implementation of other development projects as well as in their long-term coastal management plans.