ABSTRACT: Organizational Performance is a comprehensive task that entails performance measurement and assessment. Consequently, program/project activities, of Mines and Geosciences Bureau, IX (MGB-IX) require to be assessed and measured effectively to ensure that success factors are achieved. However, little attention has been given to monitoring and validation as a performance management and measurement tool.

The present paper discusses an innovative method for Planning, Monitoring and Validation, a system pipeline specifically for monitoring and validation of accomplishments coupled with planning analysis and other features, The processes are carried out using an Evolutionary Model - System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), a combination of incremental and iterative approach for visualizing components of the software. The system concept, based on SDLC successfully matches the existing organizational setup and thus, this was used as its methodology. This paper also focuses on the gaps that affected the organizational performances as well as the techniques that were formulated in the process of developing the Planning, Monitoring and Validation System (PMVS). Through the system I also explore ways to scale up organizational performance by delegating its features to (MGB-IX) which aims to assess the extent of control and its usability and further improvements.

1. Rationale
Government has been the key to the Regulation, Enforcement and

Implementation of Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs), alongside it defines the budget and strategic direction of the nation such the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 which has a long view of Filipinos to enjoy a “matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay” relative to the AmBisyon Natin 2040 which is our collective ambition, at the same time we want this to be the Vision for the country, for which government will formulate policies and implement programs and projects to enable all Filipinos to attain this AmBisyon.

The Philippine Development Plan framework entails growth, expansion and progress which focuses on many aspects which include advancement. The present administration is trying its best to balance drifts with these aspects, which include systematic transactions, in line with the Ease of Doing Business Act or RA 11032 which mandates all government offices and agencies including Local Government Units(LGUs), GOCC and other government instrumentalities to provide services covering business and non-business related transactions, which adopts simplified procedures.

In line with the RA 11032, agencies are also mandated to have their own Citizen’s Charter posted on their own agencies and websites for easy reference of clients and customers.

In compliance to the mandate, other agencies started to cut down longer transactions and turning it to simpler one. While others, prefers systematic and online .

With these, it has been also sought, that while other agencies transitions to online and systematic, Government, as regulatory and implementing body, has yet, to also, adopt, current trend, thus, the Planning Monitoring and Validation System, will, be of, great innovation for government agencies, turning manual, traditional reporting and monitoring and validation of reports and accomplishment to systematic.

2. Statement of the Problem

Traditionally, Planning , draws its idea by setting targets and reporting of accomplishment alongside the collection of Means of Verification(MOV) manually, one common problem agencies are facing are the ease of back tracking of accomplishment or the ease of retrieval, verification of accomplishment are done by drawing a file folder, finding specific year, selecting months, and locating a particular activities, these makes it very hard to preview earlier accomplishment, at the same time, it makes it even tougher for planning officers, to review and analyze five-year plan. Erroneous typing happens most often when reporting, thereby reporting inadequate number of figures, and therefore, quality of reports are affected, and it ripples across from individuals to divisions up to the Head

of the Agency. To that effect, the overall organization’s will result low percentage in terms of performance, in addition, there is reduced coordination with core divisions who does implement program/projects/activities due to mismatch reporting.

With these, planning officers tend to find a way to ease their work, with so many software being offered like the Microsoft, harnessing the capability of Microsoft Excel, yet it still reliant on to the skill of using one. And still does not guarantee correct inputs and computations, most of the planning officers are not skilled to program formula computation of the planning and monitoring. And most of the time, it is being used for recording figures and other datasets. Many online planning tools are available, yet, this were not design for Philippine government setting and not as dynamic and as customized as it should be. In other words, doing the work without a system consumes time and effort.

However, nowadays, this type of system is not tailored-fit for the actual thing that is happening, it may sound helpful yet there are still underlying issues being encountered and missing functionalities which could ease the multi tasks of the planning officer. It basically, does not answers the problem,

While the RA 11032 focuses on faster transaction and enabling less turn-around time, agencies concentrates deliberately for Frontline or Core Services, being offered by government agencies, they streamline their frontline services incorporating systems as much as possible leaving support

and management processes behind the verge. Planning, Monitoring and Validation process plays important factor in the organization, and this processes alongside with the Ease of Doing Business Act needs to be streamlined and systematic at the same time.

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