Timeline for the Philippines Nomination to the 3rd ASEAN Mineral Awards Set
The indicative timeline for the selection process of the Philippines’ nominees for the third ASEAN Mineral Awards (AMA) for the Recognition of Best Practices in Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Mineral Development with the coverage year of 2020-2022 has been released by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB).
As the designated Focal Point for the AMA in the Philippines, the MGB is the prime agency responsible for the minerals sector, pursuant to the rules set by the Special Task Force (STF) under the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Minerals (ASOMM).
The AMA is a project of the STF. The STF is composed of representatives from the ASEAN Member States—Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The AMA has three categories:
- Best Practices in Metallic & Non-Metallic Minerals Mining (including quarrying)
- Best Practices in Metallic & Non-Metallic Minerals Processing (including smelting)
- Best Practices in Metallic & Non-Metallic Minerals Distribution (including transportation, handling and storage)
The maximum number of application per country for each category is two (2), one metallic and one non-metallic. The mineral products to be challenged in this Award are metallic and non-metallic but shall exclude coal, natural oil, and gas.
The announcement of winners will be made during the Awarding Ceremony to be held in conjunction with the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals (AMMin) in Cambodia in November 2023. There will be one (1) winner and two (2) runners up for each metallic and non-metallic category. Trophies and certificates will be awarded to each of the winners and runners-up.
The ASEAN Mineral Awards (AMA) is a biennial award established to honor ASEAN mining companies which have made outstanding contributions toward the promotion of environmentally and socially sustainable minerals development in the ASEAN region. The AMA recognize contributions involving actual impacts on community development, implications on ASEAN minerals supply, human resource development, productivity and resource efficiency, and actual measures to address health, safety and environmental performance.
Interested mining companies are advised to take note of the dates specified below in order to qualify.
Indicative Timeline for the 3rd ASEAN Mineral Awards
Should you require more information about the above-mentioned subject, you may contact our Focal Person – Engr. Edgar C. Madera at Tel. Nos. +632-8667-6700 local 111 and 126 or thru email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please see this link for the Detailed 3rd AMA Guidelines: https://mgb.gov.ph/attachments/article/1440/Annex-1-AMA-Guidelines-4th-Revision-2023.pdf.
ASEAN Minerals Cooperation
Mining, minerals and metals, form the material bases of any modern economy. This is why the development of the minerals sector in ASEAN is key to the socio-economic development of the region.
ASEAN is one of the largest markets in the world for the supply of mineral raw materials and ASEAN Member States are among the top global suppliers of major mineral and metal products. Trade in minerals accounted for $250 billion or close to 9% of ASEAN’s total trade in 2018. 21% of the trade in minerals are internal ASEAN trade.
ASEAN cooperation in the minerals sector was institutionalized back in August 2005 through a Ministerial Understanding on ASEAN Cooperation in Minerals. This was in response to a specific mandate from the ASEAN Summit to cooperate on minerals development. The Ministerial Understanding established the future basis of cooperation which aimed to
- develop the minerals sector to be an engine for greater economic growth and social progress in the ASEAN region,
- enhance trade and investment in the ASEAN minerals sector, and
- promote environmentally sound and socially responsible mineral development practices.
The year 2005 also saw the establishment of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals (AMMin) and the adoption of the first ASEAN sectoral plan for minerals or the ASEAN Minerals Cooperation Action Plan 2005-2010 (AMCAP-I). The series of five-year AMCAPs have to date served as a blueprint for ASEAN minerals cooperation and continue to aspire towards dynamism in the ASEAN minerals sector.
Since its inception, ASEAN cooperation in minerals has a strong focus on capacity building across ASEAN Member States including in areas such as geological survey, resource assessment and mapping, mine rehabilitation and sustainable development, mineral mining licensing, mining business and investment opportunities for rare earth minerals, processing of tin and industrial minerals and geological and mineral resources development. These capacity building initiatives have been generously supported by Member States themselves and by partner organisations and Dialogue Partner governments.
Regional cooperation has further expanded to promoting sustainable minerals development through better monitoring, sharing and recognition of best practices, and promoting the adoption of sustainable frameworks and standards.
Currently, another AMCAP is being developed for the period of 2021-2025. This corresponds to the second half of the implementation of AEC Blueprint 2025. The next five years of minerals cooperation is expected to further strengthen focus on sustainable resource development (including on capacity building towards the use of green mining technologies and enhancing value added in minerals) and improve opportunities to enhance the environment for minerals trade as well as to attract greater investments in resource development and processing in the region.
Go to https://asean.org/our-communities/economic-community/asean-minerals-cooperation/