Every beginning must come to an end, and sometimes endings are a challenge hard to accept.
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) mourns over the loss of two of its legal personalities - Atty. Anselmo C. Abungan and Atty. Danilo D. Luna, both considered experts in the field of mineral land disposition.
Atty. Anselmo C. Abungan, Assistant Secretary for Legal Services at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), passed on last July 21. He began his career at the MGB as a Geologist in the Marine Geological Survey Division.
Atty. Danilo D. Luna, retired Chief of the MGB Legal Division, started as a Clerk at the Lands Geological Survey Division. After retiring from government service, he became active in consultancy work. He passed on last July 2.
Both lawyers started in humble beginnings and rose from the ranks. They dedicated their lifetime to public service, through their expertise in mining law.
They had touched the lives of countless others - they had been a friend, a father, a colleague, and most of all, great mentors to most MGB employees. Their loyalty and dedication to public service are beyond reproach.
Their physical bodies may have departed, but their memories will forever linger in the hearts of those they have left behind in the MGB family. Although their journey in life ended, their dedication, compassion and desire for excellence will forever be remembered.
This Office is in grief, but the memories of these two beloved colleagues will always be part of MGB's history itself.
Farewell, and may both of you rest in peace.
By: Legal Service Division
Asec Abungan