In line with the President’s earlier pronouncement to lessen red tape and redundant requirements, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) issued a Circular removing the need for cement manufacturers and holders of Quarry and Industrial Sand and Gravel Permits to secure a Mineral Processing Permit (MPP).
The MPP is a permit granted to a Qualified Person for mineral processing. Mineral Processing means the milling, beneficiation, leaching, smelting, cyanidation, calcination or upgrading of ores, minerals, rocks, mill tailings, mine waste and/or other metallurgical by-products or by similar means to convert the same into marketable products.
The MGB Memorandum Circular No. 2017-02 issued on February 6, 2017, by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Undersecretary and Concurrent MGB Director Mario Luis J. Jacinto, states that “contractors who are engaged in cement manufacturing and holders of Quarry and Industrial Sand and Gravel (ISG) Permits are not required to secure MPP,” as such imposition is a duplication of requirements.
The pertinent work program under the original mining permit shall suffice for as long as the mineral processing operation is incorporated in said work program that will be approved by the MGB.
The Circular also provides that the MPP is no longer required for cement manufacturers whether or not the same manufacturer is a Contractor of a mineral agreement. It clarifies that actual production of cement is already under the manufacturing sector and does not require an MPP.
The MGB is currently reviewing other existing policies on mining tenement requirements.
By: Legal Service Division