The Metallurgical Technology Division (MeTD) of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is up for another challenge in Research and Development (R&D), owing to the approval of a two-year project collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD).
The two-year project entitled “Pilot Scale Production of Nickel Pig Iron from Low Grade Laterite Ore,” aims for the optimization of the reduction parameters of low grade laterites, as well as the conduct of a pilot blast furnace testing for the production of Nickel Pig Iron or Pig Iron.
The project is the MGB’s response to DOST-PCIEERD’s call for research proposals subject for fund assistance. It was endorsed in early 2017 and had undergone an intensive, step-wise evaluation and review process including: PCIEERD Division Review, Technical Panel Evaluation, PCIEERD Management Team Evaluation, PCIEERD Governing Council Evaluation and DOST ExeCom Evaluation. The said project was also generally assessed in terms of technical feasibility, financial viability, sustainability and its adherence to PCIEERD’s expanded 6P’s - Publications, Patents, Products, People Services, Places and Policies. The project successfully passed all the criteria set by DOST-PCIEERD by the end of 2017.
The pre-implementation meeting, headed by the funding agency, had already been conducted. The MGB now waits for the release of the Memorandum of Agreement from DOST-PCIEERD.
The official commencement of the project is targeted to be on the 2nd quarter of 2018 and will be led by Engr. Bernardo V. Bitanga.
Furthermore, MeTD, with its continuous pursuit to innovate technologies for the value-addition of Philippine minerals through research and development (R&D), is eyeing to propose another project which will focus on a more economical hydrometallurgical extraction of nickel and possible rare earth contents of laterite ores.