In response to the recently published statement of the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to fast track the processing of Minahang Bayan applications, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) further intensified its campaign to formalize eligible small-scale mining operations in the country.
The MGB is currently facilitating the review and evaluation of Minahang Bayan applications and is actively collaborating with Non-Government Organizations (NGO) concerned, towards the common goal of formalizing Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) operations.
Initial results revealed that nine Minahang Bayan applications covering areas situated in Regions V, VI, VIII, X, XI, XII and XIII, have already been issued the necessary pre-declaration clearance by the DENR. These are in addition to the six previously declared Minahang Bayan projects covering areas situated in Regions IVA, VIII, XI and XIII, during the past administrations.
On collaboration initiatives, technical personnel from the MGB recently participated in the following NGO fora attended by small-scale miner groups:
- Meeting with International Labor Organization representatives on the Proposed Joint Initiative for the Development of Small-Scale Mining in DENR last January 24
- Camarines Norte Multi-Stakeholder Forum and Local Stakeholder Conference Creating Local Engagements in ASGM Communities through Research and Capacity-Building (Project CLEAR) - Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) forum in Labo, Camarines Norte last February 12, 13 & 14
The above Project is line with the BANTOXICS - USAID-funded project in Camarines Norte, aimed to promote transparency and accountability in the ASGM sector at the sub-national (local) level, as one of the basic expectations when operating formally. The Project also hopes to lay the initial foundation that will allow the Local Government Units and the ASGM communities to mainstream EITI for the future operations.
- Validation Workshop regarding ASGM Baseline Profile and Gold Supply Chain Study in Camarines Norte, under the Caring Gold Project of the BANTOXICS and International Labor Organization, in Labo, Camarines Norte last on April 2-3, 2018
The above-cited fora also provided opportunities for the involved MGB personnel to inform the small-scale miner attendees of the following: status, procedures and requirements for the filing of applications for Minahang Bayan and Small-scale Mining Contracts; and the current status of ASGM in the Philippines in terms of policies, legal framework and government structure, way forward directions, obstacles and challenges.
The formalization of eligible small-scale mining operations is just one of the current two-way approach of the DENR in addressing informal and illegal small-scale mining operations. This is also in simultaneous with the intensified campaign in controlling and regulating their proliferation, through the recent creation and activation of anti-illegal mining task forces.
By: Mining Technology Division