The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), in preparing its 2016 budget proposal, will adopt the two-tier budget approach (2TBA) prescribed by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).  The 2TBA is a budgeting scheme designed to promote greater transparency, credibility, and accountability.

The 2TBA is a more focused budgeting scheme where the discussions and deliberations between ongoing and existing programs/projects, entirely new spending measures and proposals; and the expansion of ongoing and existing projects are conducted separately.

The approach will streamline the budget preparation process, enhance the accountability of department/agencies, and engage the President and the Cabinet in setting the strategic direction and distribution of the unallocated fiscal space.

The approach also aims to lessen the magnitude of the lump sum budgets (Special Purpose Funds) by incorporating said funds into the agency's budget for its regional offices. The measure is done in response to the clamor of civil society organizations and other stakeholders for more transparency and accountability in the use of public funds.

Tier one of the new budgeting scheme is focused on the cost of ongoing programs and projects of the MGB which will be determined using the forward estimated process.  Included here are the activities in accomplishing the mandates of the Bureau.  Among these are: 1) vulnerability and risk assessment, 2) sub-surface assessment, 3) intensive information campaign and distribution of the 1:10,000 scale geohazaard maps under the Geohazards Assessment Program, 4) monitoring of the performance of mining operations, 5) programs to address illegal mining and small-scale mining; and 6) declaration of mineral reservation areas.

Tier two of the scheme is focused on the new programs, spending measures, and proposals of the Bureau. Under this tier are the expansion of ongoing and existing projects and other innovative programs/projects that may be specific in a certain region.

The budget proposal of the MGB shall be submitted to the DBM not later than 26 April 2015.

By: Planning Policy and International Affairs Division