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geohazard threat advisory

MGB News

The development of the nation's economy is significantly influenced by the mining sector. The industry offers both direct and indirect employment opportunities to a sizeable percentage of the population. Since mining companies engage in constructing roads, utilities, and other facilities on the mine site, the start of a mining operation stimulates local and regional economic development. Mining, likewise, contributes to the country's foreign-exchange earnings through exports. With taxes and fees collected on mining and other connected operations, the industry additionally generates income for the government.

 MSC CAR  MSC Region I  MSC Region II  MSC Region III  MSC Region IVCALA
 MSC Region IVMIMA  MSC Region V  MSC Region VI  MSC Region VII  MSC Region VIII
 MSC Region IX  MSC Region X  MSC Region X  MSC Region XII  MSC Region XIII


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