The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Central Office conducted a workshop on Gender and Development (GAD) last November 12 – 16, 2018 in Quezon City.

The event, “Training Workshop on the Development of GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report   for Mines and Geosciences Bureau Technical Staff and GAD Focal Persons,was focused on the following topics: review, presentation, and challenges in GPB and GAD AR; presentation of 2018 GAD accomplishment report; and presentation and finalization of the 2019 and 2020 MGB GAD Plan and budget.

The workshop was led by Ms. Loren A. Umali, former deputy director of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) and GAD technical consultant for various agencies, and was attended by GAD focal persons from MGB Central and Regional Offices.

By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publications Division