The Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) conducted a workshop on mine pollution control last January 18, 2019 in Manila. This was in line with the preparation of the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan. The aforementioned MOC was signed by METI and DENR last August 16, 2019 in Tokyo, which was followed by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the training program in Japan between JOGMEC and the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB).
As part of the MOU, eight (8) MGB representatives from both the central and regional offices went to Tokyo, Japan for the seminar “Japan’s Cooperative Activity on the Mine Pollution Prevention to the Philippines” scheduled from October 2 to October 13, 2019.
JOGMEC representatives (left side) pose alongside MGB participants (right side) in Tokyo, Japan.
The topics covered during the seminar were as follows: 1) Japan’s Metals and Mining Policy and Strategy by METI; 2) Japanese Environmental Regulations and Prevention of mining pollution by METI; 3) Mine Pollution Prevention Measures on Abandoned Mines in Japan by JOGMEC; 4) Overview of JOGMEC's Activities in the Philippines by JOGMEC; 5) Research and Development of Passive Treatment Technology by JOGMEC; 6) Mercury distribution in artisanal and small-scale gold mining area: study of hot spots in Camarines Norte, Philippines by Daiichi Institute of Technology; 7) Lessons from Minamata Disease by Minamata Disease Center Soshisha; 8) Itai-Itai Disease and Measures for the Disease Cause by JOGMEC; and 9) Metal recycling in DOWA ECO-SYSTEM Co., Ltd.
Aside from Tokyo, participants also went to Morioka City, Kosaka Town and Hakodate City. The following were the sites visited in North Japan:
Matsuo Mine New Neutralization Treatment Plant |
Matsuo Mine Museum | |
Matsuo-Hachimantai Geothermal Power Plant | |
JOGMEC Metal Technology Center | |
Passive Treatment Test Plant, Takarakura Mine | |
Historic Site, Osarizawa Mine | |
Itomuka Refinery |
According to the participant’s reports, there were concerns that the Philippines may not be able to afford a billion-dollar treatment plant, especially if the cost will be more than the gain. Furthermore, while Japan and the Philippines almost have the same mining and environmental laws, it was pointed out that the latter has not emphasized the requirement for an Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Treatment Facility of the mining operation. As the Philippines is in the stage of revising its implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act No. 7942, otherwise known as the “Philippine Mining Act of 1995”, the need to include the duration of responsibilities of the Contractor/Permit Holder beyond the life of mine and possibly requiring the installation of AMD was recommended. Overall, the participants found the training to be extremely interesting and very wide in terms of coverage.
JOGMEC, in coordination with MGB, plans to do the following activities for year 2020:
• Organize an improved training program in Japan
• Conduct a seminar on Environmental Management in Mining Site; and
• Dispatch Japanese experts to the abandoned mine in the Philippines and execution of field survey with DENR officials in the mine
JOGMEC integrates the functions of the former Japan National Oil Corporation, which was in charge of securing a stable supply of oil and natural gas and the former Metal Mining Agency of Japan, which was responsible for ensuring a steady supply of non-ferrous metals, mineral resources and implementing mine pollution control measures.
Note: All photos used in this article are courtesy of JOGMEC.
By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publication Division