The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) recorded successes and breakthrough accomplishments in 2015.

Foremost among these was the attainment of the International Organization Standard (ISO) 9001:2008 Certification or the Quality Management System (QMS) last December 2015. The MGB was able to pass all the criteria and is now compliant under the QMS for four (4) of its frontline services, namely: Processing of Application and Renewal of Exploration Permit; Approval of environmental Protection and Enhancement Program and Final Mine rehabilitation and/or Decommissioning Plan; Geological Laboratory Services; and Metallurgical Laboratory Services. SGS Philippines, Inc. was commissioned by MGB as the certifying body for the ISO 9001:2008 Certification.

MGB was also able to accomplish its targets under the Performance Informed Budget of the 2015 General Appropriations Act, particularly for the Key Result Area of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. MGB's organizational outcome includes improving the adaptive capacities of communities through the conduct of information education and communication campaign on geohazards to 5,800 barangays. A total of 7,029 barangays were fully informed of the natural hazards in their areas with the use of geohazard maps or 21% more of its target barangays.

Another milestone of MGB for disaster reduction and management is the conduct of vulnerability and risk assessment of areas highly susceptible to geohazards. This activity is a follow-thru to the 1:10,000 scale geohazards assessment. A total of thirty five (35) cities/municipalities were assessed wherein the risk exposure of the population, infrastructure and road networks within the critical areas were determined. Sub-surface assessment in fifteen (15) cities/municipalities, focusing in the Bohol earthquake affected areas also started in 2015 to determine the presence of sinkholes and subsidence hazards.

In the field of policy, among the significant issuances include the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2015-03 or the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of Republic Act No. 7076, or the People's Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991. The issuance of the RIRR will pave the way for the declaration of Peoples Small-Scale Mining or Minahang Bayan areas and lay the ground rules to regulate small-scale mining activities in the country.

Another unprecedented policy was DAO No. 2015-07 mandating metallic mining operations to secure ISO 14001 Certification. This effectively institutionalized an environmental management system that shall ensure the adherence of local mining operations to international standards as a measure of responsible mining in the country. Mining contractors are required to put in place appropriate measures that will result in minimal negative impacts to the environment. Mining contractors are required to obtain the Certification within one (1) year from the issuance of the DAO.

The second report of the Philippines Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI) was likewise completed in December 2015. As an active member of the PH-EITI, MGB contributed substantial inputs in the preparation of the report, which covered the 2013 metallic mining operations in the country.

The problem of lack of technical personnel, particularly geologists, mining engineers, metallurgical engineers, environmental experts, etc., was addressed in 2015 with the hiring/promotion of a total of 267 personnel in the MGB Central and Regional Offices. The process is still under way under the government approved Rationalization Plan.

This, together with the issuance of DAO No. 2015-06, which provided for the revised organizational structure and functions of the various units, will make MGB more responsive to the demands of its stakeholders for better public service.

By: Planning, Policy and International Affairs Division