The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) guarantees that it will provide all the necessary information required by the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI) to help promote transparency in the extractive industry and help attain sustainable and responsible mining in the country.
The “DENR-MGB for its part, will provide all information required such as, but not limited to, revenues generated, mineral reservation areas, and environmental and social development funds,”said MGB Assistant Director Atty. Danilo U. Uykieng as he read the opening remarks of Usec and concurrent MGB Director Mario Luis L. Jacinto at the 2017 PH-EITI National Conference.
“MGB will fully support the programs of the PH-EITI and commit to continue introducing reforms and innovations in its system, including the full disclosure of information through the MGB Central Database Portal,” Atty. Uykieng added.
Recently, the MGB recently launched a new website, Central Database System which allows data transparency and gives the public access to information regarding the status of mining applications, requests for mineral analysis, mining tenements/permits issued, mineral resources data, mining technology related data, mineral industry reports, status of mining-related cases, research and technology data, mine environmental and safety data, and other mining-related data.
Uykieng also said that the mining industry has a lot to contribute for the meaningful development of the country despite the challenges that it is facing. It can become a potent force in the total effort for nation-building and a significant contributor to national development, if stakeholders are committed to “do things right, and make responsible mining a way of life.”
The 2017 PH-EITI National Conference was held last May 11 at the Pandanggo-Polkabal Hall, Fiesta Pavillion in Manila Hotel with the theme: Extracting Value in Transparency: Towards Sustainable Disclosure and Dialogue for Development (3Ds).
EITI intends to improve the governance of natural resources through disclosure and dialogue, hence the Conference’s objectives: 1) To communicate the findings of the 3rd PH-EITI Report to Stakeholders; 2) To inform stakeholders of the progress and status of government agency actions on the recommendations of the PH-EITI MSG from previous reports; 3) To provide a venue for continuing multi-stakeholder dialogue on the issues surrounding the extractive industries and natural resource governance with a view to addressing gaps and improving EITI implementation in the country; and 4) To present current initiatives to promote transparency in the extractives.
The Conference was attended by mining stakeholders including government officials and representatives from mining companies, civil society organizations and the academe.
By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publications Division