In line with the Presidential directive on the simplification of procedures and streamlining of requirements in permit applications, the Mining Tenements Management Division (MTMD) of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Central Office (CO) conducted a seminar-workshop on the standardization of the processing of mining applications and field validation.

The seminar-workshop entitled “Seminar-Workshop on Standardization of Processing of Mining Applications and Field Validation Monitoring Involving Mining Tenements and Online Mineral Rights Management Systems and Mining Tenement Document Management System,” aimed to standardize and ease up the entire mining tenement-related applications and procedures.

MTMD technical personnel presented the recently approved streamlined checklist on the following:

  • 1) New and renewal applications for Exploration Permit (EP), Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit, and Mineral Processing Permit;
  • 2) Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility;
  • 3) Renewal applications for Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA); and
  • 4) Applications for Assignment or Agreement involving EP, MPSA and Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA).

The following instruments were also presented:

  • 1) Proposed streamlined Checklist on Applications for the Renewal of the Exploration Period (EP) under MPSA/FTAA was also presented;
  • 2) Validation Instrument for Exploration;
  • 3) Standard Monitoring Checklist for MPSA/FTAA under Development and Operating Period; and
  • 4) Proposed Performance Monitoring Assessment Checklist for the MGB Regional Offices (ROs).

Several issues and concerns were also addressed, including the following:

  • 1) Meridional blocking system;
  • 2) Partial DMPF;
  • 3) Certifications from National Commission on Indigenous Peoples;
  • 4) Automatic renewal of the EP under MPSAs/FTAAs;
  • 5) Joint validation/monitoring of MTMD and Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division;
  • 6) Payment and acceptance occupation fees;
  • 7) Land use plan for mineral lands;
  • 8) Collection of payment of fines from late or non-submission of reportorial requirements of tenement holders; and
  • 9) Implementation of progressive rehabilitation.

Furthermore, the new Mining Tenement Document Management System and the Online Mineral Rights Management System were also introduced to the MGB ROs.

This system highlights fast and easy tracking of documents from different clients and is in line with the transparency efforts of the government.

Documents and statistics will be open to all stakeholders and will also serve as a research tool for the mining public.

The Seminar-Workshop was held last November 27- December 1, 2017 at the Selah Garden Hotel, Pasay City.

By: Mining Tenements Management Division

MTMD December 14 2017  Participants in the seminar-workshop composed of representatives fromthe Mine Management Division of MGB ROs and MTMD personnel from MGB CO