In his speech at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Secretary Roy A. Cimatu addressed the problem of mercury contamination and the news that Nickelodeon is proposing to build a theme park on a biodiversity area in Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

Cimatu said that the mercury contamination was first discovered by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau.  The contamination has caused poisoning to the community because of the consumption by some residents of contaminated fish from the five-hectare lake, which used to be an open-pit mining area of the now-closed Palawan Quicksilver Mines Inc.

In response, the DENR, along with the LGU of Puerto Princesa, formed a task force to jointly monitor and address the situation by containing the affected area, treating the affected population and relocating the residents from the lake area.

Cimatu added that research on mercury contamination and scientific interventions will be strengthened. He added that the President himself has “publicly voiced demands for the mining sector to prove itself to the people, not just the investors. “

The Secretary assured that the government, thru the DENR, is on top of the situation and legal action against Palawan Quicksilver Mines Inc. is to be initiated.

As to the proposed Nickelodeon theme park, Cimatu confirmed that they have not yet received any formal notice from the proponents. He added though that the DENR is already looking into the details of the supposed project and has already coordinated with the Department of Tourism, Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, Local Government Units, Indigenous Peoples and other stakeholders, to undertake a science-based study to ensure the safety of the biodiversity in the coastal area where the theme park is planned to be built.  He instructed the DENR offices concerned, such as the Biodiversity Management Bureau, Environmental Management Bureau and DENR Regional Office no IV to actively participate in this undertaking.

“The Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Solid Waste Management Act and protection of watersheds, along with reforestation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, disaster risk reduction and management, more effective and efficient enforcement of environmental law will continue to be the priority of the DENR,” Cimatu stressed.

Meanwhile, Cimatu described himself as “humble as a neophyte” and admits that he is still learning and that he is yet to prove himself in this job. He said that all DENR Secretaries have also undergone criticisms from various stakeholders, because it is impossible to satisfy the expectations of everyone.

“I will endeavor to make the system work better, more efficiently and with greater effectiveness. I know that I will later be judged by the results that I am able to achieve. With us working together, lots can be done. Let us all buckle up together work and get the job done,” Cimatu said.

The theme for DENR’s 30th anniversary is DENR at 30: Pagbubuklod para sa Kalikasan, which speaks of unity in people to stand as one, uniting for the protection and conservation of the environment.

By: Mineral Economics, Information and Publications Division

roy122 june 9 2017

DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu (1st row middle) with former DENR Secretaries (1st row), and other MGB officials and Regional Directors (2nd row). 

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Sec. Cimatu with Ms. Earth 2017 candidates during the tree planting ceremony at the DENR Central Office grounds in Quezon City. 

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DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu (middle) with the Ms. Earth 2017 candidates.